I’m often asked by my Bride to get something out of the refrigerator or cabinet for her.  She can give me specific instructions as to the color of the container, wording on the label, or even the general proximity. Yet invariably I am unsuccessful in finding it.  I’m told this is because I suffer from a condition called “being-a-man”.  I have searched the internet and reputable journals of medicine only to find no reference to this hideous malady.  See? I have it really bad.

Similarly, saying “You can’t see the forest for the trees” highlights the issue as one of poor perspective.   I need to develop a proper perspective especially on people.  If not, it will have a negative impact on my ability to see the World through the eyes of God.

One of my professors at Columbia told me the human tendency is to put people in one of three categories:

1. People people – These are people we have a personal relationship with like family members, co-workers, and  neighbors.

2. Utility people  – These people we see on a weekly basis  fulfill some utilitarian role in life such as the teller at the bank, the barista at the favorite coffee shop, or the cashier at the grocery store.  For years, I’ve avoided the cashier because I’m usually in a hurry and I’m more than capable of scanning, bagging, and paying for my purchases.

3. Landscape people – These folks honestly mean nothing to you.  You see them walking in a crowded mall, sitting in stadiums, or driving all around you on a crowded freeway.  They do nothing for you personally nor serve any value from a practical standpoint.  Actually often the contrary.

That’s the rub.  In the eyes of God, each one is unique, created by Him, and valuable.  Everyone is People People to him.  I often dwell in a place mentally (and spiritually) where I do not want to be bothered.  People get a new moniker – “interruptions”.  They are something to be avoided and life is structured so as to minimize their impact on my schedule.

Might I put forth a theory?  Your day is less about what you have planned and more about the “interruptions”.  If you spend much time studying the life of Jesus you will see he had a central goal of proclaiming the Kingdom of God and redeeming people.  His life as recorded in Scripture is overflowing with interruptions, people pulling at him for this, and his attention needed for that.  He lived life and allowed His Father to bring into his path all sorts of “distractions”.  Life is messy at best.  And ultimately, it’s about Him, His glory, His mission.  It’s not about me…not about us.  You will never see Jesus treat anyone as Utility or Landscape people.  Remember when He sat on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem and began to weep?  Yeah, again… People people eyesight.

So where do we go from here?  Personally I need to make a conscious effort more often to look at each person as made in God’s image.  Maybe for you…think of that person you pay little attention to or deliberately avoid.  You know the one.  Decide to move that person to People people.  Oh, and I will  no longer use the self-checkout.  I’ll read the cashier’s name tag, address them by name, and engage.  It’s a place to start.  And something tells me there is more hope I can change my perspective on people than finding that missing mustard in the fridge. 

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  • Grace Kelley

    Wonderfully written! This is something that I am constantly struggling with too, and it is my daily prayer for God to teach me to see as He sees. Some days I succeed; and I smile at every person I see walking beside me on campus, or waiting with me at the bus stop. I see God’s handiwork in each and every one of them. But then other days I pretend to look busy because I don’t want to be bothered. I avoid, and I miss the point. Thank you for this beautiful post. It reflects more of us than it should, but it also may provoke us to make a change. 🙂

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