Five Years

It’s been five years, Mama. Five years of not hearing your voice, but hearing it every day. “Remember whose you…


There are things Too wonderful. Too glorious For the Creator to entrust to you. Power producing combinations. Formulas beyond our…


I will Listen more than I speak.I’ll listen To Him, to those near And echos of those afar. I will…

Maybe I Should Explain

Thanks for opening this page.  I’m glad you’re here!  Feel free to read over my shoulder, but understand my writing…

It’s Not You… It’s Me

This has been hard for me to write.  But it needs to be written.  I’ve messed up some things.  A…

Pass The Pen

I like to write. But sometimes you need to pass the pen to someone else who needs to be heard….

“Is The Sun Awake?”

I’ve been up since early.  It’s my custom.  There are things I do while its still dark out to get…

The Problem of Familiarity

Me: Father? Father: Yes, my Child? Me:  You know it really bugs me when you say that. Father: Why? Me:…

You Have No Choice

Me: Jesus? JC: Yes? Me: People are hateful. JC: I know. Me: Why can’t people just be kind to each…